
global warming : effects of global warming - "Adverse Effects Due To Global Warming"

Written by the camera on 16.59

The past 9 years has produced the warmest years due to global warming. In fact, every year from the first to the second warmest years, ranked within the warmest 25 years in the US. In 2006, the annual average temperature was 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Recent warm years point to a climate change being brought on by global warming. There have been more and more frequent droughts in the West in recent years. The last 30 years in particular have seen numerous droughts. These droughts have spawned wildfires that set new records in 2006 for number of fires and of acres burned. Further proof of global warming is seen in these destructive wildfires.

The number of times it rains in a year has increased during the last 50 years due to global warming. What is more, global warming is causing storms to intensify. Storms which would have been ordinary thunderstorms in the past are morphing into raging tempests. Hurricanes have been rated higher in recent years as global warming affects their intensity.

Difficulty in Predicting the Future of Global Warming

Ocean currents can change the temperature of the land on which they strike. The earth's atmosphere is constantly in a cycle of evaporation and precipitation. The nature of this cycle will affect global warming. At the same time, all these variables will be affected by global warming in return.

As ice melts in the Polar Regions, the ocean temperatures are affected. This is due to global warming. However, it also can perpetuate global warming by changing the evaporation rates of the sea. The courses and speeds of the oceans currents cannot be predicted with accuracy, but they will have an affect on global warming. While it is nearly impossible to predict the future of global warming with complete accuracy, it is good to explore the subject. It is important to estimate the damage that will be caused by global warming in order to make the concept of global warming more concrete.

Reducing Global Warming

Houses give off a high percentage of a country's total carbon dioxide emissions. In the United States, the figure is about 38%. Since carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases, houses contribute strongly to global warming. Buildings are also often built using recycled materials. Wood can be used from an older home that has been torn down. This will prevent the need to cut down other trees. Since the deforestation of the land contributes to global warming, this will help the situation.

There are several organizations in the US that aid in the cause of stopping global warming by encouraging green building. One non-profit organization makes it their business to foster green building methods in both houses and commercial buildings. This group of people from the building industry is a part of the Green Building Initiative.

Global Warming and Your Health

Global warming has caused intense heating up of the environment. In areas where people are not prepared for extreme heat, there have been devastating heat waves recently. There were heat flare-ups in Europe in 2003 which lasted as long as two weeks at a time. Temperatures soared upwards of 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Global warming can also affect the incidence of tropical disease. Mosquitoes have been found in places that were once too cold for them. High elevations, such as mountains were once free of disease-carrying mosquitoes.

Often, people take dangerous risks during floods. They drive into water, thinking that they can make it across. When they do not, they can get swept away and drowned. There is no graver consequence of global warming than death, of course. If all people knew how much global warming can affect their health, they might be more prone to working on a solution.


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